Sada prikazujemo: Turska - Poštanske marke (1863 - 2025) - 4870 marke.
14. Srpanj WM: Ništa Graviranje: Ajans Turk - Ankara. Perforacija: 14
![[The 200th Anniversary of the French Revolution, Tip CFQ]](
16. Kolovoz WM: Ništa Graviranje: Ajans Türk/Ankara Perforacija: 13 x 13¼
![[Kemal Ataturk, Tip CFR]](
![[Kemal Ataturk, Tip CFR8]](
31. Kolovoz WM: Ništa
![[Ataturk, Tip CAW5]](
17. Listopad WM: Ništa Graviranje: Ajans Türk - Ankara. Perforacija: 13
![[The 150th Anniversary of Photography, Tip CFS]](
![[The 150th Anniversary of Photography, Tip CFT]](
30. Listopad WM: Ništa Dizajn: Bedri Rahmi EYÜBOĞLU Graviranje: Ajans Türk - Ankara. Perforacija: 13
![[State Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture, Tip CFU]](
![[State Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture, Tip CFV]](
![[State Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture, Tip CFW]](
14. Studeni WM: Ništa Graviranje: Gaye Matbaasi. A.S. Ankara. Perforacija: 13 x 12¼
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Jawaharlal Nehru, Indian Statesman, Tip CFX]](
16. Studeni WM: Ništa Graviranje: Apa Ofset Basimevi. Perforacija: 13
![[Sea Turtles, Tip CFY]](
![[Sea Turtles, Tip CFZ]](
8. Veljača WM: Ništa Graviranje: Gaye Matbaacilik. A.S. Ankara. Perforacija: 13¼ x 12¾
![[Archaeology, Tip CGA]](
![[Archaeology, Tip CGB]](
![[Archaeology, Tip CGC]](
![[Archaeology, Tip CGD]](
18. Ožujak WM: Ništa Graviranje: Ajans Türk - Ankara. Perforacija: 13
![[The 75th Anniversary of Gallipoli Campaign, Tip CGE]](
1. Travanj WM: Ništa Graviranje: Gaye Matbaacilik. A.S. Ankara. Perforacija: 12½ x 13
![[International Garden and Greenery Exposition, Osaka, Tip CGF]](
![[International Garden and Greenery Exposition, Osaka, Tip CGG]](
4. Travanj WM: Ništa Perforacija: 11¾ x 12¼
![[Flowers and Road Safety Stamps Surcharged, Tip BZX1]](
![[Flowers and Road Safety Stamps Surcharged, Tip CCC1]](
![[Flowers and Road Safety Stamps Surcharged, Tip BZF1]](
23. Travanj WM: Ništa Graviranje: Ajans Türk - Ankara. Perforacija: 13
![[The 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of Nationalist Provisional Government, Tip CGH]](
26. Travanj WM: Ništa Graviranje: Apa Ofset Basimevi. Perforacija: 13
![[European Tourism Year, Tip CGI]](
![[European Tourism Year, Tip CGJ]](
2. Svibanj WM: Ništa Graviranje: Ajans Türk - Ankara. Perforacija: 13
![[EUROPA Stamps - Post Offices, Tip CGK]](
![[EUROPA Stamps - Post Offices, Tip CGL]](
7. Svibanj WM: Ništa Graviranje: Gaye Matbaasi. A.S. Ankara. Perforacija: 12¾ x 13
![[European Supreme Courts' Conference, Ankara, Tip CGM]](
5. Lipanj WM: Ništa Graviranje: Apa Ofset Basimevi. Perforacija: 13
![[World Environment Day, Tip CGN]](
![[World Environment Day, Tip CGO]](
![[World Environment Day, Tip CGP]](
![[World Environment Day, Tip CGQ]](
13. Lipanj WM: Ništa Graviranje: Gaye Matbaasi. A.S. Ankara. Perforacija: 12½ x 13
![[The 100th Anniversary of the First Turkish Envoy to Japan, Tip CGR]](
20. Lipanj WM: Ništa Graviranje: Ajans Türk/Ankara Perforacija: 11¾ x 12¼
![[Flowers and Road Safety Stamps Surcharged, Tip CCC2]](
![[Flowers and Road Safety Stamps Surcharged, Tip CCD1]](
![[Flowers and Road Safety Stamps Surcharged, Tip BZF2]](
![[Flowers and Road Safety Stamps Surcharged, Tip BZE1]](
26. Lipanj WM: Ništa Graviranje: Ajans Türk - Ankara. Perforacija: 13
![[Anti-addiction Campaign, Tip CGS]](
![[Anti-addiction Campaign, Tip CGT]](
29. Srpanj WM: Ništa Graviranje: Gaye Matbaasi. A.S. Ankara. Perforacija: 12¾ x 13
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Vincent van Gogh - Painter, Tip CGU]](
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Vincent van Gogh - Painter, Tip CGV]](
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Vincent van Gogh - Painter, Tip CGW]](
![[The 100th Anniversary of the Death of Vincent van Gogh - Painter, Tip CGX]](
1. Kolovoz WM: Ništa Graviranje: Ajans Türk A. Ş./Ankara Perforacija: 13 x 13¼
![[Ataturk, Tip CFR1]](
![[Ataturk, Tip CFR2]](
22. Kolovoz WM: Ništa Graviranje: Apa Ofset Basimevi. Perforacija: 13 x 13¼
![[International Literacy Year, Tip CGY]](
17. Listopad WM: Ništa Graviranje: Apa Ofset Basimevi. Perforacija: 13 x 13¼
![[State Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, Tip CGZ]](
![[State Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, Tip CHA]](
![[State Exhibition of Painting and Sculpture, Tip CHB]](
23. Listopad WM: Ništa Graviranje: Ajans Türk - Ankara. Perforacija: 13¼ x 13
![[The 150th Anniversary of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Tip CHC]](
![[The 150th Anniversary of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Tip CHD]](
![[The 150th Anniversary of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Tip CHE]](
![[The 150th Anniversary of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Tip CHF]](